Bureau d’études
Une équipe d’ingénieurs dédiée pour le pilotage des études et le suivi des travaux. Des techniciens dessinateurs chargés des relevés et des traçages de plans. Des équipes chargées de la définition des prérequis et de leur traduction en cahiers de charges. Préparation de la documentation de récolement et de descriptifs as-built.
Pour la conception des réseaux télécoms fixes et mobiles de ses clients, opérateurs télécoms, grands comptes ou collectivités locales, Circet dispose d’un bureau d’études national basé à Rabat.
Ingénierie des réseaux câblés Pour tous types de réseaux

Pour tous types de réseaux
FTTH (Fiber To The Homeou fibre jusqu’au domicile) : P2P (Peer to Peer ou pair-à-pair), AON (Active Optical Network ou réseau optique actif) & PON (Passive Optical Network ou réseau optique passif) FTTx (Fiber To The xou fibre jusqu’à l’utilisateur) & FTTLA (Fiber To The Last Amplifier ou fibre jusqu’au dernier amplificateur) Montée en débit Pour tous types de réseaux : Relevé et analyse terrain Identification des différentes problématiques terrains (adresses, contraintes, technologies, etc.) Analyse, recherche de solutions pertinentes (coût, architecture, pérennité, etc.) Etude, dimensionnement et projection du réseau sur fond de carte Piquetage et calepinage Gestion des différentes couches du réseau : infrastructure, optique, cuivre systèmes d’information géographique (SIG) Maîtrise des outils métiers Extraction et manipulation des données réseau Préparation des dossiers chantiers Réalisation du chiffrage et des devis Modélisation du réseau dans les Systèmes d’Information Géographique (SIG)
Ingénierie des réseaux sans fil
Définition des solutions à déployer sur la base des besoins marketing client (ingénierie)

Document de paramétrage des équipements à déployer Prédiction de couverture radio et réalisation des plans de voisinage radio Bilan de liaison transmission FH (Faisceaux Hertziens) Document de paramétrage des liens de transmission Mise à jour des bases de données clients
Creating Success
What makes our paid search management services so effective?
Match search intent at every touchpoint
Picking the right keywords will only get you so far. We understand how to match the search intent of your target keywords with ad copy, CTAs, and landing pages that turn clicks into ROI.
Experienced PPC management
How do you know what works if you’ve never gotten results before? Our paid search managers have years of experience managing successful campaigns in a variety of industries. And we have the happy clients to back it up.
Google Premier Partnership
Working with a Google Partner agency gives you a leg up. Not only are we certified in all types of Google advertising, but we also get access to direct support and other resources provided by Google. Your campaigns benefit directly from this exclusive insider knowledge.
“Numerique PPC service is light years ahead of the competition because of their intelligent, specialized and courteous account managers.”
Director of Marketing

The proof is in the numbers
Why paid search Ads can bring in the numbers
of growth rate in brand awareness for businesses that start doing Search Ads
of total clicks on search results page are Search Ads, serving as proof that a dependence on SEO alone limits your potential for more traffic and leads.
of clicks on Search Ads are more likely to buy, making for better leads
FAQs about paid search management
Looking to learn more about paid search management for your business? Browse our FAQs:
Paid search is a digital marketing strategy that involves online ads that appear at the top of search engine results pages (SERPs). Paid search ads typically look similar to organic search listings but have a label that distinguishes them as ads.
With paid search management services, you can expect a dedicated team of experts who will meticulously review and analyze your campaigns, ensuring that they align with your business objectives. Through continuous optimization, they will fine-tune your advertisements to maximize their effectiveness, reaching the right audience at the right time.
When it comes to paid search ads, Google Ads serves as a prime example of how the process works. Google Ads allows advertisers to bid on specific keywords they want their ads to appear for. When a user conducts a search on Google, the platform uses various factors such as keywords, ad settings, bids, and ad quality score to determine which ads to display.
Paid search can indeed be a valuable addition to your marketing strategy for several reasons: Audience Research, Precise Targeting, Quick Results, Bottom-of-the-Funnel Leads, Supplementing Organic Search Results. By leveraging the advantages of paid search, businesses can effectively target their audience, generate qualified leads, achieve faster results, and enhance their overall online visibility and conversion rates.